Food Safety Law Firm

Our team of food safety law solicitors is experienced and ready to assist businesses like yours working in the food and beverage industry through the ins and outs of the law. We take a holistic approach and have an unmatched focus in helping each client we serve properly and successfully navigate the complexities of food and beverage law as it relates to food safety and hygiene.

We always do our due diligence and are here to offer you expert advice throughout your case. Our team of solicitors has an in-depth understanding of the procedures that are followed by Environmental Health in this type of case and can effectively guide you along the way.

To discuss your food safety situation with one of our professional and friendly advisors, please complete the form on our website and we will contact you soon.

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Food Safety Law

There are several challenges to overcome to achieve certification within the food and beverage industry. We have food safety lawyers who are experts at providing clear and realistic guidance no matter the size of your business. We have extensive experience working with single-shop takeaways to international manufacturers and everything in-between.

Is your business facing an enforcement action or prosecution related to food poisoning? Do not worry. In addition to offering advice on how to comply with relevant food safety rules today, we also have the expertise to assist clients facing these types of charges.  

Our team of food safety law solicitors can provide legal advice and representation in the areas listed below:

  • Environmental Health or Trading Standards investigations and prosecutions
  • Notices of Improvement, including appeals
  • Policies and processes for food hygiene, ensuring that you are in compliance with applicable legislation.
  • Food law reform in the United Kingdom and Europe
  • The licensing process
Food Safety Law

How can we help with food safety law?

Our team of expert solicitors at our law firm understands food safety law and all the issues facing the food industry today. You’re in good hands working with us, as our legal team has extensive expertise advising businesses in the food and beverage industry on a variety of matters. We’re able to do so given that we have in-depth knowledge and a strong grasp on the procedures the Environmental Health follow in food business investigations and will provide expert input at any point.

Services we offer to help and support you throughout the process:

  •         Gathering evidence
  •         Attending an interview under caution
  •         Providing written statements
  •         Representing you at Court

Our food lawyer’s abilities to serve you don’t stop there. It’s important to keep the lines of communication open and remain protected in the future. Therefore, we can also ensure that constructive and ongoing communication is upheld after the regulator’s inquiry or prosecution. We will make sure every effort is taken to defend your company going forward. Our team takes a proactive approach rather than a reactive one to any changes in legislation within the food and beverage industry or within your business as it relates to health and safety matters.

Great solicitors , highly recommended, I would definitely use these should I require there services in the future , professional , polite and reliable
Zoe Holdsworth
Zoe Holdsworth
I bust case, the feds were steech me up and these sols kept me out. Respect fam.
Marcus Robinson
Marcus Robinson
Fantastic service and advice given
James Abraham
James Abraham
From my personal experience, i have had a lot of solicitors in my lifetime as i am no angel! I can honestly say they have beaten my expectations and more, i cannot praise them enough, they have done good for me. Spot on!
Conrad McCoy
Conrad McCoy
I can only say my personal experience has been super. They have been friendly professional solicitors who reassured me every step of the way on my case and this achieved the desired outcome. I cannot fault them and i cannot speak for others.
Allen Harris
Allen Harris
Excellent service! They gave me accurate and consistent advice definitely recommend.
Michael Ainsworth
Michael Ainsworth